Post 5:

 Hello, today I´m going to talk you about the changes to my study programme, to begin with, my mom is a language teacher and high school coordinator so throughout all these years I have learned many things about education thanks to her and what not, I have been learning at school and now at university.

I think that in Chile it is evident that education is something that is still seen as something lucrative, so it is still seen as a business. This is something that should change urgently, changing the mentality of students repeating classes and prioritizing their learning with different evaluation systems, not just tests.

Another point that I can't understand is why in some subjects they give us very easy content and then in the evaluations they ask questions that we never saw. In my opinion, in classes we should see the most difficult content so that when we take an evaluation, it will be easier for us.

Finally, I would like to emphasize the great work that teachers do and how  undervalued they are, with salaries that do not match the amount of work that corresponds to them, even having to sacrifice personal time to devote to fulfill their professional duties.

In conclusion I believe that there are several points in which education in Chile could improve, along with those mentioned above, I believe that we should first seek a quality education for all because then we can all have access to the same opportunities and the sacrifice of each one will be really reflected. 

I hope that someday we can move forward in education issues and make it fairer for everyone.


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