Post 4

Hello, today I'm going to talk about a place I would like to go to, past or future. For me it is difficult to choose one because on the one hand, if I came to the future, I would know how my life is going to be in a few years, how my life is going to change, if I would travel to the future I would go to 2037 because in that year I will be 35 years old and my life is probably going to be very different to how it is now.

I've always wondered if I will achieve my dreams and so if I traveled to the future, I could make sure I would achieve them. Along with that, I could answer a lot of questions that are being asked right now about the future of humanity and maybe even help the world to become aware of some things.

Now on the other hand, if I were to travel to the past I could also do many things and I think that what I would like the most would be to go back and relive many happy moments that have been very important to me or that I would simply like to relive again.

I think in conclusion I couldn't make a decision so I would like to have a time machine so I could travel back in time whenever and wherever I want, like going back to the future hahaha.


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